Daily Themes

Be One
Be Brave
Be Kind
Be Strong

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

That Was a Good Idea

Let's start this first discussion by sharing camp ideas that we've seen work or those that haven't worked so well. You can share ideas that you came up with personally or participated in or maybe just watched from the sidelines. I'll start.

An idea that I especially love is ward potluck lunches. Most of you have probably participated in a similar activity at camp; it's one of my favorites. The idea is simple: one ward invites another ward to lunch and both provide a part of the meal--lots of fun without tons of preparation and the girls seem to like it. I'm impressed with how well food brings girls and leaders from different wards closer together.

Okay . . . your turn. And feel free to get off topic if you have a camp question.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stake Camp Theme and Whatnot

Hello Everyone,
The YCLs have decided on a theme for next year's camp, which is "Daughters of the King: Finding Our Happily Ever After." The girls may refine this a bit, especially the "Happily Ever After," but for now that's the broad theme we'll be working with.

FYI: I and the Stake YW Presidency will soon be giving you a letter for each of your 5th and 6th year girls, formally inviting them to be YCLs for camp next year.
