Daily Themes

Be One
Be Brave
Be Kind
Be Strong

Monday, May 1, 2017

Q & A #3

Q: Do the wards need to supply their own firewood?

A: No, we are very grateful to the priesthood brothers who have volunteered to go up on the Saturday prior to camp and cut from the area around Mia Shalom for our whole stakes firewood needs.

Q: When is the stake camp kick-off fireside?

A: The fireside is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21st at 7:00pm. There will be a short path of righteousness program for 6th years and their parents following the fireside. Put the date on the calendar and we will be sending more information, as well as invites to the wards.

Lifeguards Needed

The members of the Stake camp committee who are in charge of overseeing the waterfront and fitness activities are looking for certified lifeguards to be present at the lake activities. Shalom asks that we provide our own lifeguards and requires two to be on site at all times we are using the lake. We'd like to first offer this experience to the young women in the stake who are certified and will already be going to camp. Could you please ask your ward young women if there are any who would be willing to serve in this way while at camp? If you could then get us the names/emails of these girls we will contact them about this fun opportunity. Thank you!